The fifteenth century world
Pacific explorations before Columbus
Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean
Cortez establishes Spanish power
Romance and myth of the Pacific
Cabrillo and Ferrelo explore a new coastline
Sir Francis Drake, buccaneer deluxe
Gali observes the coastline South
Vizcaino surveys north to Old Oregon
Russia enters the Pacific
Vitus Bering, the outlander
Russians in the North Pacific
Juan Perez reaches 55 north
Heceta and Quadra head a great Spanish expedition
James Cook, trader-geographer-explorer
Hanna sails into the North Pacific
Laperouse starts around the world
James Strange goes to Nootka
John Meares, English trader
Spain's last try for power
Vancouver maps the Northwest Coast
Gray discovers the Columbia River
The end of Northwest explorations by the sea
The search for the western sea
Radisson and Groseillers at Hudson Bay
The De La Verendryes, and exploring family
Jonathan Carver's famous book of travels
Hearne lays the ghost of Anian
Alexander Mackenzie discovers a great river
Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific
Fur trade and exploration
Manuel Lisa, the Indians' friend
Astor and the Pacific Fur Company
The "Tonquin" goes to the Columbia
Hunt and the overland Astorians
The North West Company of Canada
Trade and trading methods
David Thompson discovers Athabasca Pass
Jedediah Smith defies the Spaniards
The Rocky Mountain Fur Company
Dr. John McLoughlin, American citizen.